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Traditonal Services * Biblical Values * Old Fashioned Hymns * King James Bible

Lighthouse Baptist Church is currently meeting in Westminster Hall at the First Prebyterian Church located at 215 E. Lincoln Ave. in Goshen, IN.  If you are interested in visiting, then please park in the public parking lot located on the north side of the church building.  You will then enter through the doors located on the north side of the building.  We will have someone posted at the door to direct you.  Lighthouse is meeting in the upper level of the First Presbyterian Church.  Once you gain entrance to the building, you will proceed up the ramp.  At the top of the ramp is another door, go through that door, then go through the first door on the right.  If you have any questions or have any trouble, please call 574-514-3825.  We can answer any question you might have.  We will also be able to direct you to our meeting place or send someone to help you find us.

Sunday School 10am

Sunday Morning 11am

Wednesday 6pm

Church Mailling Address:  

Lighthouse Baptist Church

P.O. Box 920

Goshen, IN  46527

Church Contact Information:



    Lighthouse was started the first Sunday of August 2016.  We began in a conference room at a local hotel.  From there we moved to a small office building.  Now we are currently meeting in a chapel.  We have a heart for God.  Our desire is to help others and be as big of a blessing as we can.  We do our best to follow the Word of God.  Fulfilling the Great Commission is at the top of our priority list.  We are doing our best to take the gospel to the world, baptizing converts, and discipling the converts.

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